I’m Olivia :-) An illustrator, designer and content creator living in Bristol and working in London, UK.
If you wanna get in touch drop me a DM over on my instagram or send me an email.
🌱 livfaithmcewan@gmail.com
😽 @oliviamcewanhill
I’m Olivia :-) An illustrator, designer and content creator living in Bristol and working in London, UK.
If you wanna get in touch drop me a DM over on my instagram or send me an email.
🌱 livfaithmcewan@gmail.com
😽 @oliviamcewanhill
🪱 You can read more about my illustration practice here.
🍅 To see video production work for It’s Nice That you can head here.
Wanna know more? get in touch at 💥 omh@itsnicethat.com
🎺 To see my content creation for Bandcamp, see their TikTok here.
🍅 To see video production work for It’s Nice That you can head here.
Wanna know more? get in touch at 💥 omh@itsnicethat.com
🎺 To see my content creation for Bandcamp, see their TikTok here.